Office. Changjo Hall, 214
Lab. Changjo Hall, 525
Intelligent Sensor Systems Lab.
Changjo Hall, 232, Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Prof. hyeonjunekkim [at] seoultech [dot] ac [dot] kr
Lab. tnsgus0624 [at] seoultech [dot] ac [dot] kr
Position Opening
Welcome to the ISSL research lab, where outstanding undergraduate researchers, graduate students (master's and doctoral candidates), and post-doctoral fellows with a shared vision are always in demand. Joining our lab will allow you to shine with your passion!
- [Research Areas]
- Front-End Circuit Design
- Back-End Circuit Design
- Embedded System
- [Qualification for Applying]
- Individual who has a strong sense of challenge and passion
- Individual who is capable of cooperative communication.
- [Process of Applying]
Send the application documents to Professor (hyeonjunekkim [at] seoultech [dot] ac [dot] kr)
- A self-introduction letter
- Undergraduate academic transcripts